Another long day prepping things for the park. Mini park tomorrow should be on the go. Just hoping for good weather. Its cool to see things taking shape and the crew have put in some good, fun, yet easier features for opening day. I will let you all judge the call on what they came up with. A lot of digging went down and it's back up the hill for me at 3.30am to finish off the park for opening. Thanks to Mikey who will be joining me and the biggest asset to our parks grooming Todd Maine who has put in a HUGE effort as usual. Another positive for today was getting 4 of the features we were waiting on from our main man Piers. A good sight to see them almost ready to go. Final touches and a groomed out big terrain park should show some good courses come to the mountain. Cant wait for a day off, but at the same time so stoked to see the changes every day. Thanks again to the crew. Hard work will pay off! Shred on!