Whats up is that it has been a hectic few days building more of the parks and creating a good vibe for the punters tomorrow! We have now got a surf ride park that is way sicker than in sounds with hips transfers and banks! so much fun~! The main park with night riding has a four jump line and a stack of rails and boxes! Its mint. The beginner line with 5 small tables and 5 jibs. Also the superpipe snowmaking continues as we are almost ready to shape. Saying all this i am almost ready to start filming and building up the shots for this season. She has been a fairly slow start up but kind of relaxed too. It's great to be back riding with the same percentage as working! I Love snowboarding! A few pics from the building and me in the cab of the cat with a sad expression on my face. You know how hard it is to take your own photo. It always comes out weird or sad looking. Gotta get more natural and relaxed! Film session tomorrow! Thanks for keeping me within your loop.