Hi there. Its been a while. Fair to say most would know the events that took place on the 11th. Earthquake, Tsunami, and the Nuclear threat. This has posponed my uploads even further from the busy few weeks prior to the event. Apologies.
I have been rather shaken up after being through the earthquake last year in New Zealand (M 7.1) and now this event in Japan (M 9.0). I have left the country as the threat of Nuclear meltdown is evident. That fact that there is contamination in the air, water, and vedgetables means the situation is not over. I was rather dissapointed to hear that my job had come to a close on the field as they closed up soon after the Nuclear problems.
Here are a slice of photo's from the last month. The last few a disappointing one as the crew had been building this course for the Alts Jam competition. I got the chance to hit it up the night before the earthquake testing the items to ensure correct construction.